Its November and that means its Adopt a Senior Pet Month! Unfortunately, older pets have a harder time finding homes. It is a sad reality that these wonderful animals are often the last to be adopted from shelters, putting them at an increased risk for euthanasia. If you have been thinking about adding a four-legged-friend to your family, consider opening your home and your heart to an older dog or cat in need. If you care about sweet senior animals, help spread the word throughout November. We can help older pets find homes together.
Some people think older dogs and cats are in shelters because they are destructive or have bad behavior. However, there are lots of reasons why a pet can end up homeless that isn’t their fault. Families moving, death, financial difficulties, or drastic lifestyle changes that can have harmful effects on dogs and cats. There are tons of positive benefits of adopting senior pets!

Learn them below!
- Most senior pets are already housetrained.
- They require minimal training; senior dogs have the attention span and impulse control that makes them easier to train than puppies.
- Their personalities have already developed.
- Typically, they are more mellow. Senior pets are often content to just relax in your company.
- A senior pet will not grow any larger, so you will know exactly how much dog or cat you are getting.
- You are truly saving a life!
Senior Pets are just as deserving of a second chance in life. An older dog or cat doesn’t know they’re old. They just know they want love, and to be loved in return.