Horses do not speak ‘human’, but truth be told, horses are great communicators.
Using their body language and behavior, horses instinctively show us their emotions: happy, angry, or sad, and it is our job to pay attention to what they are telling us, so that we can act accordingly. Being able to read your horse and understand how they are feeling and know how to communicate with them by thinking and acting like a horse, will make your partnership stronger—You and your horse will be more connected than ever.
Here are 9 common signs your horse is relaxed, happy and confident:
1. Nostrils
Your horse’s nostrils are soft, round, and relaxed and breathing is even on both sides.
2. Tail
Your horse’s tail will swing freely, evenly, and loosely when happy and relaxed.
3. Lower Jaw
A sign of deep relaxation is that your horse’s jaw may hang loosely with a soft eye.
4. Rearing or Pawing
Your horse may rear up with its front leg or paw at the ground. No worries! This means your horse is feeling playful and enjoying themselves. Helpful hint: Learn the difference between horsepower and horse play, so that you can give your horse the play they need without putting yourself at risk—especially in the saddle.
5. Licking and Chewing
This reflex is a release of tension and restriction.
6. Yawning
This is your horse’s way of taking a deep breath and is a calming signal.
7. Snorting
Snorting can be a way of your horse showing positive emotion! It has been observed that horses snort or ‘blow’ most often when they are in calming and relaxing situations.
8. Mutual Grooming
This means your horse is relaxed in their environment and happily bonding with other horses.
9. Healthy Dropping
We know what you are thinking… what does your horse’s droppings have to do with happiness? Well, turns out that pooping is a sign of tension release for horses. Regular, healthy droppings especially during a bodywork session means your horse is relaxing.
So, now that we discussed how to tell your horse is happy, want a hint on how to keep your horse happy?
Benefab®’s Rejuvenate SmartScrim! When your horse has their SmartScrim on, relaxation and release occur. The SmartScrim features 90 magnets (1100 gauss) over key acupuncture points for stimulation of those areas. Each magnet is enclosed in a soft cushion for enhanced comfort. The SmartScrim harmonizes bodily functions safely and naturally stimulating recovery time, promoting blood circulation, increasing oxygen flow, and ultimately reducing pain and stiffness.