How To Get Relief From Joint, Muscle And Nerve Pain Without More Doctors Visits

As the body ages, it is common to experience pain and stiffness in our muscles and joints. With today’s medical technologies and the abundance of over-the-counter medications, just a few pills are easily accessible and can soothe most aches. Although we generously recommend and prescribe medications to relieve pain, we often ignore the consequences of masking our ailments this way, rather than healing the root of the problem—a common fault of Western Medicine.

Years of Aspirin, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Celecoxib, and many others, prove to be a toxic formula for Gastrointestinal Damage, Ulcers and Internal Bleeding—yet we keep giving these to ourselves and our beloved family members as they continue to experience pain. Over time, new symptoms arise that require more medical attention as a domino effect ensues, followed by more doctor bills, and more pills.

What if there was a better, all-natural remedy that offers relief while healing, rather than adverse side effects? We’re here to tell you there is. Among the options of alternative therapies on the market, a revolutionary method has been proving its effectiveness across the world: Red Light Therapy.

Far-infrared Therapy, or Red-Light Therapy, is delivered through a low-range ray of light on the electromagnetic spectrum that penetrates down to the deep tissue level. It works to stimulate blood circulation by exciting the Oxygen atoms within the water molecules of deep tissues. This in turn dilates capillaries (increasing blood circulation) and ultimately reduces inflammation. It’s also known to bring relief from pain and aid in the healing of old and new injuries.

The drawback to this therapy is the cost. Most specialty providers that offer Red-Light therapy charge per session—and buying a light of your own will put a large hole in your coin purse. The investment grows over time, while your patience wears thin and the benefits subside within days, requiring another visit. Nonetheless, there are better options.

Through innovation, this therapy has been brought to life in fabrics. By mixing a proprietary blend of lead-free minerals into a strand and weaving it throughout polyester, a new form of Wearable Wellness was created. By working with the energy (in the form of heat) of the wearers body, the fabric emits far-infrared wavelengths that work synergistically to help reduce pain and stiffness and promote healing.

One of the most common causes for pain is Arthritis, a condition that involves swelling of the joint tissues. The chronic condition has been known to immobilize and dampen lives. As has nerve pain. The solution? Benefab®. With a full line of far-infrared emitting wearables, Benefab® has something for essentially every joint in the body. We use breathable materials with moisture-wicking qualities to provide comfortable options for relief than can be worn all day or night.

Our customer promise is increased mobility and less pain in three weeks, guaranteed. For those looking for a convenient addition to their regimen that can target the entire body, a Therapeutic Bed Set is essential. Simply spread the blanket underneath your fitted sheet and sleep on in night after night. If you’re more of a cuddler, use it as a throw blanket and start reaping benefits.

P.S. Did we mention the testimonials rolling in about the added benefit of the pillowcases reducing neck tension and headaches? Check it out!

Back and Hips >>> “Before putting the wrap on, I felt pretty sore from working out and generally as if I might be coming down with something. As some time passed, I felt a nice heat in my throat (I have the hood up). Soon after my super-tight chest muscles just melted and relaxed for the first time in a month. I feel like I’ve had a massage and a bath. If you buy this item, sit down and just relax. Let it do it’s thing – and if you’re paying attention to your body, I think you’ll find you love it too.” -Delaney

Ankles and Feet >>> “I enjoyed these socks very much. I have had a couple of different foot surgeries (neuroma, bunionectomy). My feet felt great after doing 2 different hikes. I usually have issues with foot pain after I hike. These kept my feet very happy.” -Cathy

Knees and Hands >>> “I have the knee brace, a scarf, and the gloves and they work great for my sore joints. Working my way up to the wrap and blanket next. Your products work wonderfully.” -Jen