Raw honey tastes so good! Its also good for us - and our dogs. It is one of the best superfoods, its packed with nutrients and other compounds that have healing properties. Honey is among the most powerful natural remedies, providing nutrients including vitamins A, B complex, C, C, E, and K along with minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, and manganese. Honey is also filled with flavonoids, which are natural antioxidants. This help slow the aging process, prevent illness, and preserve food. They serve an important role in pet health.
The quality of the honey matters, this is because of the high sugar content in honey, which can lead to problems such as obesity and tooth decay in dogs. Tests show that most supermarket grade A processed honey is diluted with cheap products such as high fructose syrup and has been heated and quickly cooled giving it a smooth look inside the bottle. For your dog to receive any benefits from honey make sure you purchase local raw, unfiltered honey, or better yet, purchase local raw wildflower honey. The wildflower honey will give your dog the best results because it covers so many different plants and flowers. These types of honey can be purchased from be farms.
Raw honey is NOT recommended for puppies because it’s raw and unfiltered and since a puppy’s immune system isn’t fully developed, there could be a conflict. To be on the safe side, DO NOT feed honey to puppies. For large dogs, add 1 tablespoon of local raw honey twice a day to his food. For smaller breeds, add 1 teaspoon. You may have to heat the honey slightly to make it easy to pour.
Benefits for dogs:
- Environmental allergies
- Infections
- Kennel cough
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Wounds and Burns
- Hot spots
- Pressure sores
- More energy
Alleviate allergies
Honey helps dogs with seasonal allergies, year-round allergies and food allergies. Seasonal allergies manifest in dogs differently than in humans. In spring, summer and fall, the symptoms of seasonal allergies are:
- Scratching
- Red, irritated skin
- Obsessive licking of belly or paws
- Rubbing the face on things like carpet, pillows, sofas, etc.
- Hair loss
- Hot spots
- Inflamed stinky ears
- Shaking the head
Heal wounds
Honey acts as an antibacterial and disinfectant when applied to cuts, scratches, bites, hot spots, pressure sores or burns. Apply the honey directly onto the wound, and then wrap the area with a bandage so your dog can’t lick it off. Manuka honey works the best for this as it helps eliminate bacterial infections, reduce inflammation, swelling and pain, along with helping stimulate the growth of new skin.
Gastrointestinal Upset in Dogs
For minor bouts of an upset stomach or diarrhea that might come from something simple, such as your dog feasting on fresh grass, a couple of doses of honey may help quiet and soothe his GI tract.
Honey Can Give Dogs More Energy
Honey is a sugar, and sugar boosts energy. Anecdotal evidence shows that honey helps many older dogs regain some of their former spunk and drive. Many owners of canine athletes use honey to promote energy, endurance and vitality.
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