Winter can be a trying time for us horse owners. The cold takes its toll on us, the days are shorter, and depending on where you live, riding may not be an option. Don’t let the lack of riding get you down! There are still plenty of ways to scratch that horse itch besides riding in the winter.
- Fitness – Just because you aren’t riding every day, doesn’t mean you should neglect your riding muscles. The lack of riding can cause us to lose our flexibility and strength. Take the time during the winter months to focus some of your time on fitness whether that is running, yoga, or weights – you will thank yourself when springtime rolls around.
- Grooming – When horses have their winter blankets on we tend to forgot the importance of grooming. Grooming sessions are great for you and your horse’s relationship – bonding time!
- Training – Training does not only happen in the saddle, there is plenty of groundwork and other things to do. Work on desensitizing your horse to clippers, setting your horse up square, backing up, whatever it may be! This will fix those annoying habits.
- Tack – Now is a great time to get that tack squeaky clean. Focus on not only cleaning your leather tack but moisturizing it as well. This will help to protect your equipment for longer. Wash your saddle pads and polo wraps too!
- Books/Magazines – Catch up on some literature from some of the top trainers in the business! Read books about different training techniques. This will give you things to add to your lesson plan come spring.
The winters can be rough on us equestrians. Take this downtime to work on some other things around the barn. You will be grateful that you did!
For more information on winter activities, visit:
For some therapeutic options to help you and your horse to stay warm & supple CLICK HERE