
Shedding Season: 5 ways to groom for equine health
benefab horse blog

Shedding Season: 5 ways to groom for equine health

Spring often marks the beginning of new things. New buds on trees, new songbirds singing...
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The Language of the Horse
Equine Blog

The Language of the Horse

The relationship between horses and people is often one of leader and follower. People set...
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How to Prevent Lameness in Your Horse

How to Prevent Lameness in Your Horse

It’s every horse owner’s worst nightmare. The moment you watch your horse trot across the...
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How to Treat a Hoof Abscess at Home

How to Treat a Hoof Abscess at Home

Hoof abscesses are very common in horses. They are the most common reasons behind a...
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How to Fix a Cold Backed Horse
Health and Wellness Blogs

How to Fix a Cold Backed Horse

Cold Backed: What is it? When you think of the temperature on the horse's back, it...
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Is Your Horse Stressed?
equine wellness

Is Your Horse Stressed?

Just as humans experience stress in situations that are mentally or physically difficult, horses also...
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Equine Cellutitus
horse care

Equine Cellutitus

A horse’s nature and their environment can contribute to scrapes, bruises, cuts, punctures, and all...
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Breed Spotlight: Icelandic Horses
horse care

Breed Spotlight: Icelandic Horses

The Icelandic Horse is one of the oldest breeds in the world. The Icelandic Horse,...
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Swamp Fever (EIA)
Horse Care

Swamp Fever (EIA)

Equine Infectious Anemia also known as Swamp Fever is a viral disease. This virus attacks...
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Sore Hocks?
Horse Care

Sore Hocks?

The horse's hock joint is one of the hardest working joints of all the joints...
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Preventing Thrush This Spring
Horse Care

Preventing Thrush This Spring

Springtime is here! This also means lots of wet and mucky turn out areas are...
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Ways to help your Horse Shed out for Spring
Horse Care

Ways to help your Horse Shed out for Spring

Spring is here! Your horse's winter coats are loosening, and the slick summer coat is...
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