If you have experience with cattle, you’ve probably heard about white muscle disease (WMD). This condition, caused by a lack of selenium and vitamin E, affects young calves. It can lead to weakness, trouble standing, and sometimes sudden death. Here, we will talk about what White Muscle Disease is, how to spot it, and how to prevent it in your cattle.
What Is White Muscle Disease?
White Muscle Disease is a degenerative condition affecting calves, lambs, and sometimes adult cattle. It occurs when diets lack selenium and vitamin E, which protect muscles. This leads to muscle breakdown, causing the pale, streaky look that names the disease.
There are two main forms of this disease: the cardiac form and the skeletal form. The cardiac form affects the heart muscles and is often fatal. Calves with this condition may have trouble breathing, weakness, and could suddenly collapse. It mainly affects the muscles in the legs, shoulders, and back. Affected calves might have trouble standing, appear stiff, or struggle to walk.
Signs and Symptoms of White Muscle Disease in Cattle
White Muscle Disease can show up suddenly, within days or weeks after birth. Symptoms depend on whether the disease affects the heart or skeletal muscles. Here are some common symptoms:
Stiffness or trembling when standing
Difficulty walking or standing up
Weakness, especially in young calves
Swollen muscles that feel firm to the touch
Difficulty nursing or keeping up with the herd
Difficulty breathing
You should call your vet immediately if you see any of these signs. Intervening early with White Muscle Disease makes a big difference!
What Causes White Muscle Disease?
The primary cause of this disease is a lack of selenium and vitamin E, but the reasons behind that deficiency can vary. Some regions are low in selenium, so the plants and feeds from these areas don’t provide enough for livestock. In addition, if hay or grain is stored too long, vitamin E levels can decrease. Fresh pasture is rich in vitamin E, so cattle solely on dry feed or stored hay may be at higher risk for the disease.
Preventing White Muscle Disease in Cattle
The good news is that White Muscle Disease is often preventable with proper nutrition and management. Here are some great prevention steps:
Supplement selenium and vitamin E: Talk to your vet about mineral supplements or special feed for your cattle.
Test your soil and feed: If your soil lacks selenium, test your forage and grains to better feed your cattle.
Provide fresh pasture: Fresh pasture is a good source of vitamin E. If your cattle eat mostly hay, consider supplements.
Use selenium salt blocks: These help ensure your cattle get needed nutrients.
Watch for signs: Catch the disease early for a better chance of recovery. Call your vet immediately if you suspect White Muscle Disease.
Treatment Options for White Muscle Disease
If a calf gets White Muscle Disease, act quickly. Give selenium and vitamin E injections, along with proper nutrition and low stress. With this treatment, calves can recover from mild cases, but severe cases may be fatal.
White muscle disease is serious, but with proper nutrition and preventative care, it’s something you can manage. Know the signs, give supplements as needed, and watch your calves to keep your cattle healthy and strong.