Magnetic therapy is used in both human and animal medicine. It is a beneficial alternative to using drugs, and is often less expensive in the long run than feeding your horse supplements. Magnetic therapy products usually employ static magnets sewn into some type of cover. Our magnetic horse blanket is used to treat the body and back of the horse.
Some products have flexible magnetic strips with self-adhesive material on the back that can be placed anywhere on the leg and held in position with a wrap. Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) products are available as blankets, leg wraps, and even as mats, which the horse stands on for hoof treatments. Because the coils and batteries are bulky and heavy, horses can’t be left loose or unsupervised as the equipment may shift out of position with too much movement. With our SmartScrim this will not happen as all the magnets are sewn into place and require no plug and/or batteries.
Horses have been shown to react to magnetic devices in a similar way to other animals and people, except that due to their circulatory system horses should not use magnetic therapy as much as dogs, cats and humans. Horses should only use magnets while they are resting, stabled, turned out or traveling. It is not safe to use magnets during exercise, this is because horses are prone to over-heating during exercise and one of the actions of magnets is to stimulate the circulatory system, which will in turn increase the body temperature. If magnets are used during exercise there will be an increased risk of over-heating which is potentially dangerous to the health of the horse.
Magnetic therapy products such as our therapeutic horse blankets help in the following areas:
(1) They help to improve fracture healing time.
(2) They stimulate healing in fractures that are not healing well (nonunion or malunion).
(3) They can improve the strength of tendons during healing.
(4) Often relieve arthritis pain.
(5) Will help to control pain from irritated nerves (such as carpal tunnel syndrome).
(6) These products are also used to control postoperative pain.
Horse Blankets For Sale
Our lightweight SmartScrim are made up of breathable mesh that uses fabric to emit far-infrared rays keeping back muscles warm and relaxed. This magnetic horse blanket features 90 magnets (each with a surface strength of 1100 gauss) over key acupuncture points. Each magnet is enclosed in a soft cushion for enhanced comfort. This Scrim harmonizes bodily functions safely and naturally, stimulating recovery time, promoting blood circulation, increasing oxygen flow, and ultimately reducing pain and stiffness.
In addition to our SmartScrim, we also offer a Therapeutic Mesh Sheet without magnetic therapy.
What are you waiting for? Get your horse back in the game!