Therapeutic Dog Bed Liner
How It Works
Far-Infrared rays are a low-range, invisible ray of light on the electromagnetic spectrum that have been clinically proven to stimulate blood circulation and reduce inflammation

We back our products 100%. Our mission is to help heal and relieve pain and soreness with increased mobility and reduced pain in three weeks, guaranteed.
Benefab® stands for “Beneficial Fabrics”!
Benefab® is the only therapy of its kind on the market which has peer reviewed, published Veterinary Science studies. We pride ourselves on quality fabric, always sourced from the same location, to ensure efficacy for our customers—both human and animal alike!
Our proprietary fabric is infused with far-infrared nanoparticles which emit far-infrared wavelengths. Far-Infrared rays are a low-range, invisible ray of light on the electromagnetic spectrum that have been clinically proven to stimulate blood circulation and reduce inflammation—ultimately helping to reduce pain and increase mobility. Scientifically speaking, these rays penetrate down to the deep tissue level, exciting oxygen atoms within the water molecules in the blood. This dilation of the capillaries prompts an increase in blood circulation, while reducing inflammation, and aiding in overall healing processes.
This healing modality has been in existence for over 5,000 years—dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Finns, Romans, Chinese, American Indians, and the Egyptians.Far infrared rays contain all of the healing effects and energizing benefits given by the sun, but without the harmful UV properties. Proven by scientists and naturopathy to be an effective natural health remedy, some of these effects may include, but are not limited to: stimulating blood circulation, increase of Oxygen in the body (thus, increasing oxygen flow to the muscles, aiding in recovery), decrease in healing time of injuries, reducing inflammation, helping to supple the muscles which relieve stress and reduce anxiety, and relief of stiffness in joints.
In some of our animal products, we feature a dual therapy system that includes our far-infrared fabrics with the use of medical-grade, north-facing (healing side facing the body) magnets to best replicate a wearable form of acupuncture therapy. Neodymium magnets are strategically sewn atop key acupuncture points to target a more specific response. In ancient (and present day) Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is performed by using one’s own blood to re-inject over acupuncture points. Through the naturally occurring iron in our blood, these magnets are effective by pulling blood to those areas, serving to stimulate tissue healing and pain relief at those places. Because our blood is not foreign to our bodies, the body takes its time to re-absorb its own blood—therefore, prolonging the benefits by stimulating those areas during and after the SMART products are worn.