All about Copper

January 17, 2020 2 min read

Copper is among the oldest materials used by mankind and has been used for thousands of years. It’s the first metal to be worked into useful tools, weapons, and beautiful jewelry. However, did you know it is also a metal with the power to heal? Ancient cultures recognized copper as a healing mineral and was found useful for its healing powers both internally and externally. Copper is vital for the optimal health of the human body, along with other mineral micro nutrients such as iron, calcium and zinc. The human body contains around 2 mg of copper per kilogram of body mass. There are a variety of ways to incorporate copper into your life and diet, including taking supplements, wearing jewelry and copper-infused clothing, and using copper utensils and drink-ware. However, if you would rather utilize the benefits of copper in its non-pill form, jewelry, copper-rich foods and beverage products are a great way to obtain those trace copper elements. For example, it can be found naturally in many different foods including, meats, seafood, nuts, grains, beans, avocado, beets, and lentils.

What is it Good For?

  1. Wounds
  2. Skin diseases
  3. Anemia
  4. Rheumatoid Arthritis
  5. Heart Disease
  6. Blood circulation
  7. Helps make red blood cells
  8. Improve digestion
  9. Anti-cancer
  10. Prevent bone loss
  11. Reduce cholesterol
  12. Anti-microbial and Anti-bacterial
Above all, copper has an essential role in keeping you healthy. Most people get enough copper by eating a healthy diet. Be sure you get enough copper, but not too much. Talk to your doctor about a copper supplement first. Copper is good for the body inside and out! Benefab’s fabric is infused with natural, Lead-free minerals. Among those minerals are Silica, Magnesium, Copper, and Bamboo Charcoal. Our product line is made up of materials that are proven to increase circulation and reduce inflammation. They do so by emitting far-infrared wavelengths (a low-range, invisible ray of light on the electromagnetic spectrum) that penetrate down to the deep tissue level, exciting the Oxygen atoms within the water molecules in the blood. This increases blood circulation (dilates capillaries) and ultimately reduces inflammation and can aid in healing of old and new injuries.

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